NewsMissoula County


Missoula County fire danger dropped to “moderate”

Slash Pile Burning
Missoula County’s fire danger is now at moderate and fall burning is being allowed. (MTN News photo)

MISSOULA – Our continued cooler and wet weather has prompted fire managers to drop the fire danger in Western Montana.

The Missoula County Fire Protection Association (MCFPA) has dropped fire danger in Missoula County from “high” to “moderate.”

Lower temperatures, higher relative humidity, and widespread precipitation is forecast for the coming week which has also prompted MCFPA officials to open Fall Burning.

Anyone planning to conduct prescribed wildland burning or essential agricultural burning is reminded to activate fall permits daily either online or by calling 1-888-583-6497.

The MCFPA advises that folks avoid burning on windy days. Additionally, archery hunters and campers are asked to make sure their warming fires are cold to the touch and dead-out before being left unattended.