KALISPELL – Investigators in Kalispell say they’ve recovered some valuables stolen last month from several buildings at the Northwest Montana Fairgrounds.
Kalispell Police Captain Doug Overman says some of the items were recovered using two separate search warrants.
Body armor, uniforms, ammo and radios, were some of the items taken in the burglary.
“In a joint investigation that has been conducted with the Flathead County Sheriff’s Department, the Northwest Drug Task Force and the Kalispell Police Department, we have been able to recover a large amount items from that burglary we’re still looking for anything that may be out in the community,” Capt. Overman said.
“We’re still looking for information that people might have on that but we are anticipating in the future that charges will be filed,” Overman added.
The September 4 theft was discovered after Flathead 9-1-1 received a call several buildings at the fairgrounds had been broken into.
The items were stolen from a small storage room inside one of the buildings being used to store items for the Flathead County Sheriff’s Posse.
The theft occurred one day before the items were to be moved into their own office space the newly purchased boys and girls club in Evergreen.
The Flathead County Sheriff’s Posse was started in 1946 and is made up of everyday citizens that volunteer and give back their time in office and in the community. They buy their own equipment.
Anyone with information about the theft should contact Flathead Crimestoppers at (406) 752-TIPS. Callers could be eligible for a reward.
The fairgrounds remain open for community access and fairground managers say they hope to not need to add surveillance or limit future access to the site.
-Nicole Miller reporting for MTN News