WHITEFISH - The pond skim event is gearing up in Whitefish as ski season comes to a close.
If you're from the Flathead Valley then you know what time of year it is time to wrap up ski season, and Whitefish wraps it up the same way every year with the pond skim.
"Pond Skim is how we close out the season with a splash. This Saturday we have 60 competitors lined up,” noted Whitefish Mountain Resort spokesperson Chad Sokol.
“They're gonna make their way down the mountain on skis or snowboard," Sokol added.

The competitors could also see some prize money in their future with a $1,050 purse on the line.
Male and female skier and snowboarder winners receive a $200 cash prize.
But it doesn't just have to be talented to win; Best Costume also receives $200 and the best crash gets $50.
"They slide right across a very chilling pond and there will be a jump. Some folks will hit it backwards or switch. There will be lots of spectators and it's not over until everyone gets wet,” Sokol said.

The event has not been able to happen the past two years due to COVID-19, so the ski resort is excited to finally say goodbye to ski season again the right way.
"This is a tradition that everyone looks forward to every year. It's how we welcome spring. It's wacky, it's fun, everyone some costumes, lots of spectators, lots of music and dancing, and fun,” Sokol said.
Unfortunately, it is too late to participate in the event but if you want to come and say goodbye to another ski season, all spectators are welcome.