The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says heat-related deaths and illnesses are preventable. Despite this fact, more than 600 people in the U.S. are killed by extreme heat every year.
The average body temperature for an adult is 97-99 degrees F. The warmer the temperature outside, the more likely the body’s mechanisms of heat loss are to be overwhelmed.
One of the most important things one can do to beat the heat is staying hydrated. Drinking water, even when you may not be thirsty can decrease your chances of becoming dehydrated.
The symptoms of dehydration can include dizziness and headaches. It can put you more at risk for more concerning complications such as a heat stroke.
The next recommendation, limit sun exposure. recommends wearing an SPF of 30 or higher and avoid strenuous activity, especially during peak hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Be sure to wear lightweight and light-colored clothing outside or while inside if there is no air conditioner.
Taking a shower in the middle of the day can help cool you down too.
If you do not have an air conditioner unit, and you decide to open your window, be sure to have window guards and ensure doors have tight-fitting screens in apartments where children live and play.
If your job requires you to be outside, try to take breaks often or rest in the shade.
Lastly, do not leave children, pets or anyone disabled in a vehicle unattended. The interior can heat up by an average of 40 degrees F within an hour, regardless of ambient temperature.