

Ryan Reynolds wrote a fake Amazon review for his own gin. And then he wrote about that on Twitter


Okay, Ryan Reynolds, you got us.

We were all excited about the endless possibilities of what could happen if we drank Aviation American Gin — until the actor, and owner of the brand, admitted he was behind the product’s crazy Amazon review tale all along.

On Saturday, “Champ Nightengale” posted he “loved” and “hated” the gin.

“As soon as I tried the Gin I knew right away, it was amazing,” the user wrote on Amazon. “It was the smoothest Gin I’d ever tried and went down really easily.”

But then, things got weird.

“I had a lot,” the user wrote.

“When I woke up the next day, I mentioned to my wife Linda that last night must have been a REAL blowout because I slept in my clothes. Even my shoes! I also noticed it was really hard to look out the window at the Seattle skyline. Partly because of the bright sun (I’ve always been sensitive to light) but also because I don’t live in Seattle). I live in Coral Gables, Florida. Also, it’s important to note, until that morning, I’d never met anyone named Linda.”

Well, don’t try the drink in hopes of relocating across the country. Reynolds admitted on Twitter he was the one who wrote the review.

“I loved this review of Aviation Gin someone sent me after I wrote it,” he said.

One thing is for sure. We’re talking about it now.

Aviation American Gin was first produced in Portland by bartender Ryan Magarian and distiller Christian Krogstad.

In a video posted on the product’s website, Reynolds says he loved the gin so much he bought the company.