

Ozzy Osbourne tells Trump campaign to stop using his music


Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne want President Trump to hop off their “Crazy Train” and get on someone else’s.

The two got angry over Trump’s unauthorized use of “Crazy Train” in a Twitter video he posted Thursday which mocked 2020 Democratic primary candidates debating on MSNBC.

The video captures the technical difficulties that happened at the start of Wednesday’s event, and plays Osbourne’s 1980 hit over the footage. Trump shows up at the end of the video.

“Thank you @MSNBC, real professionals! @chucktodd @maddow,” Trump captioned it .

In a statement to Rolling Stone, the Osbournes said, “Based on this morning’s unauthorized use of Ozzy Osbourne’s ‘Crazy Train,’ we are sending notice to the Trump campaign (or any other campaigns) that they are forbidden from using any of Ozzy Osbourne’s music in political ads or in any political campaigns. Ozzy’s music cannot be used for any means without approvals.”

The two even suggested a few songs Trump could play instead.

“In the meantime, we have a suggestion for Mr. Trump: perhaps he should reach out to some of his musician friends. Maybe Kayne West (‘Gold Digger’), Kid Rock (‘I Am the Bullgod’) or Ted Nugent (‘Stranglehold’) will allow use of their music.”