HAMILTON – This month’s A Waiting Child is 12-year-old Destiny from Hamilton who loves animals and sports.
Destiny is a seventh grade student who is an active kid with a passion for sports.
“I really like to do taekwondo, basketball; volleyball is my very very favorite. I would say that I was really competitive, yeah,” Destiny said.
She says she would love to be with a family who let her continue to devote her time to play as many sports as possible and that she would love to have pets.
“I really really love pets they’re just about every one of them. I mean my favorite animal is probably — like my favorite house animal, is probably a dog or a cow, a cat. But under that, like a smaller house animal would be a chinchilla or a guinea pig,” Destiny said.
Linda Massa Youth Home Program Director Anna Green says Destiny needs people who prioritize helping her reach her full potential.
Destiny is a brilliant, talented, smart, almost kind of perfectionist kind of a kid and she needs a parenting scheme that is going to support that. that’s going to push her to do the best she can be in school push her to do the best she can do in sports
if you have questions about fostering a child, call (406) 657-3120. You can LAO contact the Montana Department of Health and Human Services for information about adoption and/or fostering at 1-866-9-FOSTER (1-866-936-7837).