MISSOULA - This week's One Class at a Time grant winner is Beth Vibbert who teaches first grade at DeSmet School.
"It's amazing. It's a lot. It's challenging. But they're so lively, no matter what. You're just so happy as you're greeted every day. Everyday work so hard for what they have to learn,” Vibbert said. “So, I really, really enjoy it. It's a hard grade with everything they need to know."
Vibbert will use the $250 grant to purchase math manipulatives, which she says are very expensive.

Sometimes math concepts are difficult to grasp, and Vibbert says it breaks her heart when students look down upon themselves. Holding an object in their hands will help the students understand easier, be less intimidated and give them more confidence.
"Things to help them bring the math to life, help them if they can't read word problems yet. See the numbers, touch it, see it, kind of make a story with it in all the math they learn. In doing all that the better they can learn and feel really independent and successful,” Vibbert explained.