MISSOULA - This week’s One Class at a Time grant winner is Lolo School art teacher Alli Batt.
"It's nice because I teach K-8 and I get to see the same kids year after year. You get to build pretty darn good relationships and get to know them and their art styles,” Batt said. “It works out pretty well for me.”
There are now computer tablets in the classrooms at Lolo which opens the door for great possibilities with art.

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Batt will use her grant money to purchase art apps for the tablets which will widely expand the options students have -- from basic drawing to stop-motion animation.
Some kids don't have these options at home, so Batt says this will be a great tool for the future.
"I found out very quickly that these kids are way better than I thought they would be at digital art. So, it's definitely something that we need because it will make it so much easier and their art will be so much better, honestly. There is that and then the stop-motion animation, you take small cells and put it all together." - Lolo School art teacher Alli Batt