KALISPELL — The Hockaday Museum of Art in Kalispell has established their first annual memorial art scholarship for high school seniors in the Flathead and neighboring counties.
Hockaday Museum of Art Executive Director Alyssa Cordova said the scholarship honors the legacy of longtime volunteer Mark Norley.
“He was really instrumental in helping young art students pursue art,” said Norley.
Norley promoted local art and volunteered at different art spaces throughout the Flathead for more than two decades before passing away at the age of 89 from cancer.

“Valued and well-loved supporter and volunteer here at the museum as well as other arts and cultural institutions in the valley,” Cordova tells MTN News.
Cordova said any high school seniors from public, private or home schools in Flathead, Lake, Lincoln, Sanders and Glacier counties are welcome to apply.
She said the $1,000 scholarship will recognize an outstanding art student from any visual art medium.
“Just a really wonderful opportunity for us to do something like this in Mark’s legacy as well as to support a deserving student,” said Cordova.

Along with higher education, Cordova said the scholarship can be used at an approved art workshop, artist residency or masterclass.
“It’s a little more open-ended because we know artists don’t always follow a conventional path but it’s also for higher art education opportunities,” said Cordova.
The deadline to apply for the Mark Norley Memorial Art Scholarship is May 10, with a winner announced on May 21.
Students are encouraged to apply online at hockadaymuseum.org.