NewsMontana News


Montana doctors warn of shoveling-related injuries


HELENA – Physicians at St. Peter’s Health in Helena caution that snow and ice can mean an increase in injuries.

A study published in 2011 by Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Ohio found that snow shoveling leads to approximately 100 deaths a year and more than 11,000 injuries.

Every winter, health officials often see slips, trips, and falls related to snow.

Common injuries include bumps, bruises and broken bones. But hidden preexisting heart conditions can also prove dangerous for those who overexert themselves during shoveling.

Snow Shoveling
Physicians at a Helena hospital caution that snow and ice can mean an increase in injuries. (MTN News photo)

The study found people over 55 are most likely to be hurt.

“People with pre-existing heart problems and some that don’t know they have heart problems, it’s quite a bit of a stress test to go out and shovel a foot of snow at a time and so we do see patients show up with cardiac symptoms and sometimes heart attacks,” said Dr. Andrew Michel.

People with pre-existing conditions should consult their doctor before shoveling or ask for help.

Click here for more information on snow-related injuries.

-Christine Sullivan reporting for MTN News