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Weather Forecast: More heat, more haze... what's new?

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Sounding like a broken record, but hot, dry and hazy conditions remain in the forecast.

Actually, abnormally hot temperatures this weekend into next week! Highs will rise into the 100° degree range by Sunday and could remain just as hot through the first half of next week. Overnight lows will be very mild and provide little relief.

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Area wildfire smoke could help keep temperatures from reaching their full potential during this time, so adjustments to the forecast are possible. In any case, with this kind of heat, it’s important to remember to stay hydrated, limit strenuous outdoor activities and NEVER leave kids or pets unattended in vehicles.

On a positive note, monsoonal moisture will bubble up from the Desert SW beginning Monday and lasting through midweek! It’s a double-edged sword… we’ll see lightning with storms, but the storms will also be on the wetter-side and will likely provide some much needed moisture for those directly underneath. Highs will remain above average next week - mainly in the 90s.