

Evacuation orders in Missoula Co. could be dropped by end of weekend


MISSOULA – The Missoula County Sheriffs Office anticipates letting people back into their homes permanently if current river level predictions stay where they are.

Flood evacuation orders will be downgraded to warnings for area flood residents hopefully at the end of the weekend, according to MCSO Captain Anthony Rio.

The MCSO also anticipates being apart of the recovery and clean-up process after the flood waters recede.

The growing concern for officials is the idea of flash floods in the area affected by fires last year, especially around Lolo Peak.

The MCSO handed out warnings door-to-door along Highway 12 on Thursday and said residents welcomed the heads-up.

"People seem to be very receptive and grateful that we are trying to ‘stay on top of this and keep this on our radar," Rio said. "Not that the sky is falling, but just the possibility and that all the people out there with what’s going on with the moisture and last year’s fires, that we just have to stay vigilant and keep our eyes open and kind of stay focused on our safety right now."

Rio also reiterated that Sheriff TJ McDermott and the MCSO express their thanks to everyone in the community who has came out to help the area through this flooding.