

Missoula County students compete in 2018 Quiz Bowl


MISSOULA – Dozens of students from schools all around Missoula County were put to the test as they competed to win the 2018 Middle School Quiz Bowl. 

The students had to answer questions about pop culture, art, history, and many other subjects before time ran out. Kids cheering could be heard from all the way outside the building on the University of Montana’s campus. 

"It’s just so fun to see young learners getting so excited about Mozart and the Ottoman Empire and about all of these random factoids that they’re picking up. Often times when you’re teaching you’re not really seeing those levels of enthusiasm among all of your students but this is an activity where yes we see that level of intensity," said Paul Hutchinson who teaches US History at Frenchtown Middle School.

In the end, it was the Washington Middle School students who were victorious. Meadow Hill Middle School of Missoula was second .while Target Range School took third place in the competition.