WASHINGTON, DC – President Trump signed the VA Missions Act of 2018 after the U.S. Senate passed the legislation last week by a vote of 92-to-5. The Act will provide $5.2 billion to extend the Veterans Choice Program for one year – while it’s being overhauled.
The measure will also expand the VA’s Caregiver Stipend Program for the families of disabled veterans, and do away with restrictions that limit private and community care to veterans who live more than 40 miles from a VA facility — or have to wait more than 30 days for an appointment.
Notably absent from Wednesday’s signing ceremony was Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) who co-sponsored the bill.
"So it’s now my great honor to sign the great VA Mission Act, or as we all know it, the Choice Act. And to make it the permanent law of our great country and nobody deserves it more than our veterans," President Trump said.
The US Veterans Administration currently serves some nine million veterans across America.