

Family and friends search for missing Montana man

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Family, friends, and volunteers are searching for Noah Hofeldt of Chinook, 35, who hasn’t been seen since Monday, June 11.

Family members said they reported him missing on Thursday, June 14th and that he was last seen near the water plant along the Milk River in Chinook.

Chinook deputies used drones and jet skis to look for Noah in the river, according to the family.

They said it is very unlike him to go without contacting someone for this long. Carol Hofeldt, Noah’s mother, said this is the longest he’s been gone without anyone seeing him.

"He usually walks the river to pick wild asparagus and he usually will go swimming in the river," Carol Hofeldt said. "One of the officers saw his bike down here at the park at the water plant and then some of his friends came down that night when we found out and they found his shoes and his shirt down here on the bank.”

Noah’s friend, Monty Brockie, is helping search for Noah. He and others volunteered to float the river to see if they could notice anything. He said Noah would do anything and everything for people.

“Noah was everybody’s friend. He had not an enemy in this world. He was very outgoing, good person. If you asked anybody about him, they would tell you the same thing I’m telling you right now. He was just an awesome human being, help you out, do anything for you,” said Brockie.

We have reached out to the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office for more information.

We will keep you updated.

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