Heavy rain in recent days is causing flooding in and around Augusta.
The Montana Department of Transportation has closed a section of US Highway 287, from mile marker 37 to mile marker 40; in addition, the area where US 287 meets Highway 200 is closed to northbound traffic at this time.
The Lewis & Clark County Sheriff’s Office posted the following messages on Facebook:
- Water is flowing over Hwy 287 near Elk Creek outside Augusta. In some locations the water is reported to be 10 inches deep. The DOT has closed that part of the road and is asking drivers to use extreme caution in this area.
- Hwy 287 and Hwy 200 is closed at Bowman’s Corner. The Gibson Dam is full and will be letting out water, which will affect the Sun River. Parts of Hwy 434 and Dearborn Canyon Road are washed out. Use extreme caution when driving.
In addition, the rain is causing areas of the Sun River in Cascade County to rise, which could affect people in and around Vaughn.
The National Weather Service in Great Falls says that periods of rain, heavy at times, is likely to affect the Sun River basin on Tuesday, and the Sun River is likely to go above flood stage. The agency says that the river could crest near nine feet on Wednesday.
Cascade County Sheriff Bob Edwards advises all residents living along the Sun River to closely monitor the situation and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.
Vaughn Fire & Rescue posted on Facebook that sand bags are available at the Vaughn Fire Station for residents of Simms, Fort Shaw, Sun River, Vaughn, Sun Prairie, and Manchester.
RELATED: Flooding returning to part of Missoula
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