MISSOULA – We answer your medical questions every Wednesday on Montana This Morning during our Morning Rounds segment.
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Dr. Blair Davison talks about the growing concern around juuling — using a type of vaporizer that isn’t easily recognized as an e-cigarette — during the June 20 edition of Morning Rounds.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers up more info on the dangers of juuling and e-cigarettes on their website including the following:
In 2016, an estimated four in five (20.5 million) U.S. youths, including 8.9 million middle school students and 11.5 million high school students, were exposed to e-cigarette advertisements from at least one source, a 13% increase over 2014. Exposure in retail stores increased 24% in 2016 compared with 2014, and was the primary factor responsible for the increases in exposure from any source during 2014–2016. Nearly seven in 10 youths (17.7 million) were exposed to e-cigarette advertising in retail stores in 2016; approximately two in five were exposed on the Internet (10.6 million) or television (9.7 million), and nearly one in four (6.2 million) were exposed in newspapers and magazines. Given the Surgeon General has established that a causal relationship exists between traditional tobacco advertising and youth tobacco product initiation (7), and given the association between e-cigarette advertising exposure and e-cigarette use among youths (2–4), efforts to reduce youth e-cigarette advertising exposure are an important component of comprehensive youth tobacco prevention efforts (5).
During 2014–2016, current users of e-cigarettes and other tobacco products reported higher prevalence of exposure to e-cigarette advertising than nonusers. This is consistent with research documenting an association between e-cigarette advertising exposure and e-cigarette use (2–4). However, this relationship might not be limited to e-cigarettes; previous research has demonstrated that among U.S. youths aged 12–17 years, receptivity to e-cigarette marketing is associated with susceptibility to conventional cigarette smoking (8). Prevention of youth exposure to e-cigarette advertising might, therefore, be important for prevention of youth use of all tobacco products.