

Flooding hits Great Falls, Cascade County


GREAT FALLS – Governor Steve Bullock has issued an Executive Order declaring a state of emergency for the City of Great Falls as well as for Cascade and Lewis & Clark counties.

The Great Falls/Cascade County Emergency Operations Center reports that the neighborhoods of Gannon Ranch Addition and near Meadowlark Country Club, including Country Club Boulevard, have been added to a list of high-risk flood areas.

The following roads have been closed due to flooding:

  • Central Avenue West from 34th Street to Sun River Road
  • River Drive South from 1st Avenue South to 3rd Avenue South (near the Electric City Water Park)

Until further notice, the boat launches at Broadwater Bay and Sun River are closed. Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks has also closed all of Cascade County’s boat launches.

Great Falls firefighters and police officers as well as the Cascade County Sheriff’s Office plan to go door-to-door in the most high-risk areas delivering information about possible evacuations and flood safety. Visit the Cascade City-County Health Department’s website for more information.

To find out if your location is at risk, go to the FEMA Flood Map Service Center website. If you are unable to access the internet, call 406-455-8554 to receive general information or to get on the volunteer roster.

The American Red Cross of Montana has opened a shelter in Great Falls for evacuees at the New Hope Lutheran Church, located at 3125 5th Avenue South. Families who need services should call the Montana Red Cross at 800-272-6668.

The National Weather Service reported on Wednesday evening that "major flooding" is expected to occur along the Missouri River between Cascade and Great Falls — including areas of Great Falls. 

The latest forecast for the Missouri River near Ulm is now predicted to reach 17 feet, which matches the historic crest from 1953, according to the NWS. Areas likely to be affected: Woodland Estates Road, the marina along Lower River Road, Country Club/Meadow Lark Golf Course, homes in the Country Club area in Great Falls.

RELATED: Flooding hits areas along the Sun River

RELATED: Augusta residents caught off-guard by area flooding

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