MISSOULA – Folks had the opportunity to purchase wild horses and burros in Missoula over the weekend at the Missoula County Fairgrounds.
Montana-Dakotas Wild Horse and Burros state lead Jerrie Bertola said the auction was a unique opportunity for Montanans.
"Montanans had to go to Boise to Utah to Rocksprings to get their wild horses. So we had heard from a lot of people that said, ‘man I really want one but it’s a long ways to go’ so we brought them here," Bertola said.
There were more than 15 gentled horses and more than 60 wild horses and burros available which were brought in mostly from Utah and Nevada.
Trainers said it’s a common misconception that because horses are wild, they are harder to train. However, the truth may be the opposite. Trainers at the event say that these horses are a clean slate and the bonds they make with their owners are ones that last a lifetime.
Maggie Vann is a youth rider who adopted her first mustang says these horses have a lot to offer and she’s excited to continue training hers.
"These horses might not have the same opportunities as others they might not be looked up the same way and I just want these horses to be looked up the same way and get a good home they’re honestly really great to work with and she’s learned really fast," Bertola said.