An employee of The Mighty Thomas Carnival at the Montana State Fair was arrested on Monday after reportedly groping a woman on the ride he was operating.
The woman told investigating officers that she and her daughter were sitting in a car in the "Speedway" ride, and she had already buckled their lap seatbelt and adjusted the tension. The buckle connected on the far side of her daughter, who was seated to the woman’s left.
The woman said that Roberto Salaman Garcia came to their car and tightened their seatbelt. While doing so, according to the woman, Garcia placed his finger directly on her vagina outside of her pants, according to the charging document.
The woman told the officer that there "was no way it was an accident," and explained that in order to come in contact with her vagina, Garcia had to leave the belt loose and reach downward.
Cascade County Attorney Josh Racki said Garcia has been charged in Justice Court with misdemeanor sexual assault.