GREAT FALLS – State and federal wildlife officials are trying to capture a wounded young male grizzly bear in north-central Montana.
The bear was reportedly shot on July 26th along the Marias river east of I-15, according to Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, and the incident is being investigated by FWP and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Authorities have not yet determined who shot the bear.
FWP reports that as of Tuesday morning the bear was about three miles east of the interstate. The grizzly bear is collared and FWP is monitoring its movements. FWP has also been talking with landowners along the river so they are aware of the situation.
When the grizzly is trapped it will be taken to a veterinarian to determine the extent of its injury.
FWP said in a press release that currently on the Rocky Mountain Front, wild fruits are maturing, and bears are eating chokecherry, serviceberry and, soon, buffalo berry.
People should be cautious when in thick brush along the Marias and any other river flowing east from the Front. Always carry bear spray, make noise, travel in groups and be aware of bear tracks and signs of bear activity.
FWP noted that grizzly bear attacks are rare and usually happen due to surprise encounters, where the bear is startled, then charges out of fear. Click here to learn how to "Be Bear Aware."
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