HELENA – Lewis and Clark County Sheriff Leo Dutton said a man was found alive and rescued from the Bob Marshall Wilderness Tuesday.
George Brown, who was in his 60s, suffered a broken lower left leg. Brown went missing in the Pretty Prairie area north of Benchmark. He had been gone 2½ days and did have a backpack when he left the outfitter group.
Two Bear Air and the Montana Air National Guard assisted with the rescue.
The sheriff said in a statement:
Through satellite technology, they communicated the need for a helicopter with a hoist.
We made contact with the Montana Army Air Guard, 189th and obtained permission to respond to the location of the injured man.
While we were in route, search and rescue members had made contact with Mercy Flight from Great Falls. The search and rescue team was able to move the man down to the trail and onto a horse. They took him back to the ranger station where Mercy Flight took him to Great Falls.