MISSOULA – A group of kids in Missoula turned out Saturday use chalk to show their support after a rainbow crosswalk symbolizing support of the LGBTQ community was vandalized,
The Missoula Police Department is currently investigating the vandalism at the art installation which was put in place to show support for the LGBTQ Community.
The crosswalk was installed on Pine Street outside of the Missoula Art Museum. A video of a group of motorcyclists burning rubber on the crosswalk was posted on Facebook by a witness.
A group of kids in town saw the video and wanted to help.
Four Missoula families gathered downtown at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday planning on using colored chalk to cover up the mark but when they got there they had another idea. Now the crosswalk is covered in drawings and messages.
"After I saw the video I felt like that’s not what Missoula represents. I think it’s way more peaceful and happy community. I didn’t want like people, tourists and people, who come here to think that’s what kind of out town really are," said Maizy Miller.
The kids returned twice to add to their artwork and they hope that this will deter any future attempts to vandalize the crosswalk.
A ribbon cutting will be held at 5:30 p.m. Monday to celebrate Montana’s first rainbow crosswalk.