

Bear activity prompts change at Glacier NP campground


GLACIER NATIONAL PARK – Recent bear activity has prompted officials to announce that only hard-sided camping will be allowed in some areas of Glacier National Park.

The rules have already gone into effect for the Rising Sun Campground along the Going-to-the-Sun Road on the east side of the park.

The temporary change means that tents and soft-sided campers will not be permitted until further notice at the campground. However, camper vehicles are still allowed as long as the canvas is not exposed.

The move was prompted by an incident that happened last Friday, in which a grizzly bear ripped into the side of an unoccupied tent and pulled out bedding and pillows.

Staff at Glacier National Park say there were no known attractants or food rewards in the tent. They have placed a decoy tent with a game camera in the area to monitor further activity.