

KPAX Country: The Sanders County Fair


PLAINS – It’s a Western Montana tradition that dates back to 1911 — the Sanders County Fair.

The event is running through this week at the Sanders County Fairgrounds in Plains.

Fair organizers say that the event is one of the largest in the state and draws folks from all over to northwest Montana.

According to their website, the fair has seen attendance ranging from 30,000 to 50,000 people, "which doubles and triples the population of the whole county!".

There is no fee to attend the fair which features a carnival, midway, a rodeo and of course livestock.

This year’s fair also features a demolition derby that will be held at 7 p.m. on Sunday.

Watch the video above where MTN’s Dennis Bragg caught up with some of the young folks hard at work with their 4-H exhibits.