MISSOULA – Missoula Parks and Recreation made over $150,000 from their various summer camps last year, but this year there is a shorter, less expensive option for families.
The money raised by the camps goes to pay off the direct costs of the camps such as staffing, supplies and transportation. And for a week-long camp families pay up to $400.
This year, for the first time, Missoula Parks and Rec offered day “discover” camps for kids who didn’t need to be in camp for an entire week or who couldn’t afford it.
There are scholarships available for the city camps as well. Parks and Rec staff say they work hard to ensure that city camps are as inclusive to children with disabilities as possible.
“We just wanna make sure that summer camp is a right and not a privilege — and so that our programs have a place for every kid in it,” Missoula Parks and Recreation Supervisor Meg Whicher said.
Click here for more information on scholarships or stop into the office at Missoula Currents.