MISSOULA — Climate Smart Missoula hosted the fifth annual Climate and Clean Energy expo at Caras Park where Missoulians could learn from different organizations about how they can help the environment.
“We’re just excited to offer this event to our community and help folks see that there are ways for everyone to be part of climate solutions whatever your interest is probably climate intersects that," Climate Smart Missoula director Abby Huseth said. "And there’s just so many ways we can come together as a community and find ways to move forward so this is a really fun event to celebrate that and recommit to doing that as a community.”

From trivia to educational sessions and other climate-related activities, Climate Smart Missoula put its best foot forward in bringing the community together to learn about climate change.
Many climate-friendly local companies were on hand to inform residents of ways they could help improve the environment including using solar power.
“As we know most power plants are based on fossil fuels you’re just gonna burn either propane, you’re gonna burn diesel fuel, or you’re gonna burn coal to create steam to spin a turbine and that’s how we make power. Well, now we can do it with just the power of the sun and it’s always there so it’s a humongous impact so everyone can have their own baby power plant right there on their roof," said David Murray with Purelight Power.
With this expo being the end of Climate Solutions Week for Climate Smart Missoula its next event will be the Climate Ride on Monday, Oct. 2.