BOZEMAN — The Gallatin City-County Health Department confirmed that a Gallatin County resident has passed away from complications due to COVID-19.
The person was a woman in her 80s who passed away at a hospital last week.
Gallatin City-County Health Department received the official death certificate this week that attributed the death to COVID-19.
This is the seventh death in Gallatin County related to COVID-19.
“It’s so very sad to lose anyone to this disease and we send our condolences to family and friends,” said Matt Kelley, Gallatin City-County Health Department Health Officer.
“Now more than ever, we need citizens to take this virus seriously and follow the well-known recommendations. We can’t curb COVID-19 without the help of our community.”
Out of respect for the family, no further details will be released.
The Gallatin City-County Health Department Call Center is open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to answer questions about COVID-19. Reach the Call Center by phone at 406-548-0123 or email at