

Montana doctor provides information about coronavirus

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BOZEMAN — Whether you want it to or not, the coronavirus has affected your life in more ways than one. But do you have a clear understanding of the actual virus?

“Medically, it’s a virus in the family or class of corona that is a group of viruses that we see routinely. But unfortunately, a group of people will actually get it so it disrupts the function of their lower respiratory system, their lungs," explained Dr. Andrew Sullivan who is a pulmonologist or lung doctor at the Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital

He showed us what that can look like internally, "and then you can see this white stuff that’s here that’s not up there. That is the effect of coronavirus,” Dr. Sullivan explained, adding that a coronavirus diagnosis doesn’t mean a death sentence.

“The majority will recover and then there will be people who don’t know that they have it. But even the symptomatic people, the majority will recover,” he said.

Dr. Sullivan advises people to take social distancing and CDC guidelines seriously if they want to stop the virus from spreading.

“The people who get symptomatic with it will have been shedding the virus before they came down with the symptoms, so that’s why social distancing is so important. You won’t know if you have it and you certainly won’t know you’ve been shedding it before you get symptoms,” he said.

While there’s no still no cure for COVID-19, hospitals do have treatments for patients.

“Treatments mean hey there’s something we can give you that will keep you healthy and possibly alive as your body’s going through the process of beating the coronavirus on its own,” according to the doctor,’ Dr. Sullivan told MTN News.

The number of corona cases in Montana is continuously going up, but with safety measures put in place, Dr. Sullivan believes this is something we can overcome.