

Ravalli Co. reporting 16 active COVID-19 cases

Ravalli County Public Health Department
and last updated

HAMILTON — Local health officials report that there are now 16 active COVID-19 cases in Ravalli County.

Ravalli County Public Health reports three cases were reported on both Friday and Saturday -- as well as two new cases on Sunday.

There were also reports on Monday that three close contacts to a positive have developed symptoms and are presumptive positive, with confirmatory tests pending.

Local health officials noted in a social media post that there is community spread of VOCID-19 in the Bitterroot Valley.

Anyone who thinks they may have been exposed to COVID-19 is being asked to stay home, especially if they are experiencing symptoms.

People should contact Ravalli County Public Health at (406) 375-6672 and leave their name, the date they believe the exposure happened, where it happened and the name of the person they had exposure to.

"Please be patient as we are seeing a spike in cases. All nurses are working hard to gather close contact information, facilitate testing and answer residents concerns," a social media post states.