GREAT FALLS - A reward of up to $20,000 is being offered for information about vandalism at a ranch and other property in Chouteau County.
Some Chouteau County property and equipment were also damaged.
The Gasovda family says that damage on its property amounts to more than $250,000. The damage is believed to have happened on either Aug. 17 or Aug. 18.
Brian Gasvoda received a call on Wednesday evening about his work truck being found in a ditch, "we just started finding more and more stuff.”
Complete damage to his entire setup of spraying equipment, a semi-truck with water vessels, chemical truck, chemical shuttles, and pumps; all destroyed.
“They literally used a $400,000 sprayer as a derby car.”

The Gasvoda family initially posted a reward for $2,500, and that number has since grown to $20,000 thanks to the help of Brian’s son Dustin and the surrounding community.
“I guess we just want to get the message out there that we will not tolerate this. As far as the reaction, what I've heard people, it's probably good that they didn't get caught in the act. People are just tired of that,” said Brian.
Arlene Rice — a crop consultant and former president of the Montana Agriculture Business Association — along with community members, are opening a bank account in their honor.
Rice and the others are calling out to members of the community to help what she claims is a “selfless” family.
The account has been set up at Independence Bank in Havre and is named the “Gasvoda Equipment Recovery Fund.”
Anyone with questions about how to donate can contact Independence Bank at 406-265-1241.
Anyone with information about the vandalism is asked to contact the Chouteau County Sheriff's Office at (406) 622-5451 or the Gasvoda family.