SALMON, ID - The Moose Fire near Salmon, Idaho has grown to 98,403 acres with containment increasing from 41% to 44%, according to the Monday update.
A new Incident Management Team has taken over at the fire.
Fire managers report a hotshot crew — supported by water buckets from a heavy helicopter — worked to contain two spots ahead of the main fire edge in the Daly Creek area on Sunday.
Firefighters will continue working in active areas of the fire; particularly in the Daly Creek, Dump Creek, and Hornet Creek areas, and portions of the 300 Road.

US Highway 93, Salmon River Road (NF-030), and Panther Creek Road (NF-055) are open.
However, travelers on all area roads should remain alert for fire equipment working in the area, and for possible rockfalls.
All evacuation zones are in “READY” status, as determined by the Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office. Details at:
There are 730 people assigned to the fire which was sparked on July 17 near the confluence of Moose Creek and the Salmon River.
Investigators are still trying to determine what sparked the human-caused fire.