SALMON, ID - The Moose Fire near Salmon, Idaho has grown from 127,500 acres to 130,077 acres with containment growing to 47% contained according to the Wednesday update.
A community meeting to discuss the blaze is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Wednesday at the Idaho Fish and Game, Salmon Regional Office on US Highway 93. The meeting will also be available to be viewed at
Fire managers report a wetting rain fell over the entire fire area on Tuesday and overnight. Additionally, little if any fire growth is anticipated in the next few days.
Some road clearing equipment has been moved to be staged along the Salmon River Road to quickly respond in case rocks or other debris rolls down from the steep recently burned slopes above it.

Crews continue to work to secure the fire’s edge above Savage Ranch, Wallace Gulch, and Diamond Creek. Also, crews are setting up an extensive sprinkler system along the Ridge Road south of the Diamond Line.
Hand crews are using chainsaws to remove fuel from along the Williams Creek Road, preparing it for use as an indirect containment line if needed.
The latest evacuation information from the Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office can be found at
There are 907 people assigned to the human-caused fire which was sparked on July 17 near the confluence of Moose Creek and the Salmon River.