In a press conference Friday , the Chief Nursing Officer at Bozeman Health confirmed one of the reported cases of COVID-19 in Gallatin County was a healthcare worker at Bozeman Health.
The representative with Bozeman Health did not disclose the age or gender of the healthcare worker,or whether or not the individual was a nurse or doctor.
Bozeman Health did say they are reaching out to those who were in contact with the individual and are at high risk.
Bozeman Health also confirmed they are currently reaching out to retired healthcare workers to see if they’re available to work, as the concern of healthcare workers getting sick becomes more of a reality.

“One of the predominant reasons we’re doing that is that we’re trying to be ahead of anything that may come along in the pandemic,” said Vickie Groenweg, who spoke as a representative for Bozeman Health at the press conference.
“And so we want to make sure what develops, that we’re prepared for, and that we have adequate staff to cover anything that might arise so we can keep our community safe.”
Gallatin City-County Health Department Health Officer, Matt Kelley added on Friday that there are ways for retired healthcare workers to contribute to the efforts without being directly exposed to the public.
Bozeman Health says some retired personnel are currently working for the COVID-19 local hotline - (406) 548-0123.
The Gallatin City-County Health Department Call Center is open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to answer questions about COVID-19. Reach the Call Center by phone at 406-548-0123 or email at