MARION — A non-profit livestock rescue ranch that calls itself home to close to 100 animals is in dire need of hay due to a statewide shortage.
All Mosta Ranch in the small town of Marion is a nonprofit livestock rescue ranch taking in unwanted animals of all shapes and sizes since 1998.
“Right now, pretty much sanctuary animals, they have no place to go, if they were on a regular farm or ranch, they wouldn’t be alive, so this gives them the opportunity to live a complete life and have a purpose." - All Mosta Ranch Director Kate Borton
Borton said it’s impossible to find hay to feed her animals right now due to a statewide drought causing a shortage and extremely high demand.
“We’re in a bind, if we don’t have the hay we can’t feed the animals, and if I can’t feed the animals, most of them will have to be put down,” said Borton.
Borton said her ranch is short by about 110 large bales of hay and close to 500 small bales. She said her hay barn is normally completely full but right now it’s only at half capacity and shrinking by the day.

“Very dire, I have looked everywhere in the valley, talked to every farmer, rancher that I know, our normal suppliers are short by at least a third of the hay that they supply to us,” said Borton.
Borton said her ranch works with at-risk kids in the Flathead Valley, giving them a place to volunteer and learn how to farm alongside rescue animals.
She also donates hay to neighboring farms during the winter months but worries she might not be able to help this upcoming season.
“I don’t even have enough hay to feed our own, much less help people out during the wintertime that I know our going to call, they’re already starting to call,” said Borton.
If you have surplus hay and would like to donate to All Mosta Ranch, email Kate Borton at or visit for more information.