GLACIER NATIONAL PARK — Glacier National Park has announced the waiving of entrance fee on five days in 2020.
The Park normally charges $35 per vehicle in the summer and $25 per vehicle in the winter.
A full fee schedule for motorcycles, bicyclists, and pedestrians can be found on the park’s website.
The entrance fee waiver for the fee-free days does not cover amenity or user fees for activities such as camping or special tours.
Information about summer and winter ranger-led activities can also be found on the park’s website.
Glacier National Park is one of 115 national parks that has an entrance fee.
The five entrance fee-free days for 2020 will be:
- January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- April 18 - First Day of National Park Week/National Junior Ranger Day
- August 25 - National Park Service Birthday
- September 26 - National Public Lands Day
- November 11 - Veterans Day