The Missoula City-County Health Department shared some positive news about those who have recovered from the virus on Tuesday.
According to the CDC, most coronavirus patients have mild illness and are able to recover at home. Here in Missoula County, 10 people have already recovered, the first recorded on March 22nd.
County officials are using CDC criteria to determine if a patient can technically be considered a recovered case.
For a patient to fall into this category, at least 72 hours must have passed since the resolution of fever without use of fever reducing medications, there must be improvements in respiratory symptoms such as cough and shortness of breath, and at least 7 days had to have passed since symptoms first appeared.
“Other entities may use different CDC guidelines to determine patient recovery, but with our limited testing capabilities we are going on that CDC guidance that does not include having additional tests done,” said Incident Commander Cindy Farr.