ST. IGNATIUS — Immanuel Olson is 16 years old and non-verbal autistic and with childcare being difficult to find for a kid his age his parents needed to find someone who could watch over him after he was out of school.
Immanuel’s cousin Jordann Underwood who is also the manager of the Mission High School football team suggested he should join her at practice.
“I noticed that the team just kind of really started accepting him when he came and they were really interactive with him and he really enjoys it brings a lot of joy in his life and it’s definitely changed his mood overall especially when he comes home he’s in a lot better mood and it’s really nice.”

That change in behavior has been noticed by his parents who have been happy to see this change for the better. His mother Valenda Underwood reflects on her new morning routine with Immanuel.
“He definitely does not like anything that has to do with physical fitness and he’s been racing down the driveway when his bus comes he wants to race me from the door to catch the bus; see who wins.”
It has been the little things that have made the biggest difference for Immanuel from tossing and kicking the ball around to just standing and watching practice. He is an important part of Mission football and the players understand that.
Mission lineman Codiak Killorn spoke on what Immanuel means to him and the team.
“He’s a really special kid, and you know he’s special to me personally and it brings me up and makes me just want to win more 'cause he’s always rooting us on.”
Immanuel was there to cheer on his favorite team during homecoming weekend and even though the Bulldogs lost the team knows they will always have his support.