WASHINGTON, DC - A pair of rundown properties that have greeted people coming into the north end of Lolo will have new owners.
The Internal Revenue Service has announced that a pair of commercial properties in Lolo will be going up for sale in September.
The building at the corner of US Highway 93 and Glacier Drive — as well as the former cafe behind it on Glacier Drive — will go up for public auction on Sept. 13.

A news release states the properties are being sold "pursuant to an Order of Foreclosure and Judicial Sale" from the United States District Court in Missoula.
The minimum bid for the property at 100 Glacier Drive is $526,505 and $200,775 for the property at 104 Glacier Drive.
The auction will take place at the Russell Smith Courthouse in Missoula on Sept. 13. Registration will be at 9:30 a.m. and the sale time is at 10 a.m.

Mail-in bids will be accepted and are due no later than Sept. 8, 2022.
The successful bidder must deposit a minimum of 10% of the amount bid at the time of sale and pay the balance of the purchase price within 30 days from the sale date, which is Oct. 13, 2022.
More information about this sale is available at IRS Auction - Sales Ad for Lolo, MT, or by contacting Darlene Jones at 602-501-2146 or Darlene.Jones2@irs.gov.
Many Lolo residents have been complaining about the state of the two properties for the last several years.