MISSOULA — Missoula water, wastewater and stormwater utilities have proposed rate increases for what is described as aging infrastructure and regulation upkeep.
Over the next three years rates would increase from what is currently an average of about $60 per month.
“Both water and wastewater have on the order of 350 miles of pipe in the ground. And for both utilities, a lot of it's 100 years old or older," Missoula Public Works Deputy Director of Utilities Logan McInnis told MTN News.

Water system maintenance in Missoula is primarily funded through rate-paying customers.
According to McInnis, the need for a rate increase has been studied since 2017 to get to this point and additional revenue would help accomplish water infrastructure goals in the city.
“So that, you know, they [residents] can continue getting water to come out of the pipe and that wastewater goes away and is treated adequately and that the stormwater is not causing pollution of our rivers in our aquifer," McInnis said.

The rate increase would take effect over a three-year period, adding about $3 to $4 to the average residential customer’s total monthly bill in 2022, 2023, and 2024. So by 2024, the monthly rates would increase from the current average of about $60 to about $73.
“It's part of people's monthly bills, so we understand that it's getting more and more difficult to afford to be in Missoula, and so I think we really try hard to be sensitive to that to keep our costs down to the degree that we can," McInnis said when asked about rising costs of living.
More information on the Missoula Water, Wastewater and Stormwater rate increase proposal can be accessed at engagemissoula.com. The next steps for the proposal is a public hearing at Missoula City Council on Dec. 6.