Families across the world dream of owning their own home and one family from Missoula is getting that chance after a long journey to the United States.
The Lumona family will be the owners of their very first home with some help from multiple organizations like Soft Landing Missoula and Habitat for Humanity.
Kasse Lumona says his family couldn’t be happier," my family is very happy about this, we are very excited because we will have a lot of room in our house and that is very good."
"It’s so exciting, I think that Kasse is such a hard worker and I don’t think I can think of any family more deserving than this," said Katie Vancleave with Soft Landing Missoula. "Ever since my beginning at Soft Landing here in January I have spent a lot of time with Kasse’s kids and their super sweet and I know they are just going to love this house.
Speaking of the children, Kasse says they are excited about their new home, "they are very excited they want to play a lot of games in the yard."

Habitat for Humanity executive director Heather Harp says she's excited to help the Lumonas with their first home.
"They are a family of resiliency. Being a refugee family from the Congo they have experienced nightmares I never even could imagine that they have suffered through. And so for them to be here in Missoula County and to be able to put a decent affordable roof over their head is just profound," Harp said.
Habitat for Humanity says that the Lumonas should be in their home by the end of the year.
The Lumonas don’t just get a home built for them as they have to help build the house -- something Kasse says he has enjoyed doing.
He also told MTN News it is quite different than building a home back in the Congo.