MISSOULA — On Saturday, the annual spontaneous construction event, also known as SponCon, took place in Missoula at Home ReSource.
“We do it because it shows the inherent value of materials. These are things that would have been thrown away and they're turned into these incredible works of art and function," Katie Deuel, Home ReSource Executive Director, told MTN News.
Here, teams create pieces like entry piece “Last Look Out the Door” for competition. Lynnette Schaefer with Bulls Eye Wear constructed the piece in under seven hours.

The 25 participating teams, both professional and amateur, peruse the reuse store’s huge variety of materials to build bars, tables, and sculptures.
“Yeah, it's just an alchemy. It's incredible what they come up with. They turn lead into gold,” Deuel said.
Some teams are brand new to the competition.
Within the span of the competition, team Pink Parrots rewired a lamp to work again and found parts of an old clock which they revamped into a rotating sphere. A table with many legs was also constructed.

At the end of the day, each team will be judged with just one chosen as the grand prize winner.
Beginning Wednesday, the items created at SponCon will be displayed at the Missoula Public Library for about a month.
Then on October 15th, the constructed pieces will be up for bid at Home ReSource's annual banquet and benefit auction.