Hunters were cited for leaving five deer carcasses in a field outside Colstrip, the Rosebud County Sheriff's Office reported Monday.
Deputies received a tip from a passing hunter of the five processed carcasses, the sheriff's office said on Facebook.
The deer had been killed with a bow, and the hunters left behind gloves and a disposable knife package at the site, allowing deputies and a Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks warden to find them.
The hunters, whose names have not been released, were cited for leaving garbage and the carcasses at a spot away from the kill, according to the Sheriff's office.
To report wildlife violations, call Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks' anonymous tip line at 1-800-TIP-MONT (1-800-847-6668).
The Rosebud County Sheriff's Office said in the Facebook post:
Earlier today, we received a report of five processed deer carcasses, dumped just outside of Colstrip. The reporting party thought the deer may have been shot with a rifle, rather then a bow. Upon checking out the carcasses, it was determined that the deer had been shot with a bow. The problem is, the hunters left their gloves and a disposable knife package at the scene.
It is illegal to leave garbage (anywhere) or carcasses that were not harvested at the location. A Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Warden, along with Rosebud County Deputies were able to track down the individuals. They admitted to their mistakes and will be receiving citations.
We appreciate all the tips we receive in a timely manner. This case was made easier by an observant hunter.