BIG SKY - Big Sky Resort kicked off its ski season a day early this year following a heavy snowfall.
As of early Wednesday morning, the resort was getting several inches of snow and there were long lines full of eager skiers ready to get onto the Swift Current Lift.
"Opening Day is such a fun Big Sky tradition," said Big Sky Resort spokeswoman Stacie Mesuda. "Normally we open on Thanksgiving Day but we are opening a day early this season which is super exciting. Mostly because we just got a ton of snow and as you can see it's still coming down. We've gotten almost six inches already this morning and it is still dumping."
Big Sky Resort has gotten a lot of snow already this year compared to last year, according to Mesuda.
"This fall we've gotten over five feet of snow already. This is setting us up for a great base plus with our investments in snowmaking recently we're able to open up 2,000 acres of terrain for our opening weekend. Very exciting," said Mesuda.
Mesuda says she is very excited to get out and ski a little early this year and is looking forward to a long and fun season.
I'm looking forward to going out and skiing again," Mesuda stated. "The beginning of the ski season is always a really exciting time because you have about 150 days ahead of you of ski time, and I love to be on the lifts and skiing with my friends and it's just the best way to spend the winter."
Mesuda says the conditions are very good so far and she even got to see a sneak peek of the runs before opening day.
"I went out for a couple runs yesterday. We had great coverage on all our groomed runs for the lower mountain thanks to all this natural snow and snowmaking and then plus all this powder today. It's going to be excellent out there," said Mesuda, "I can't wait to go take a couple runs!"