HELENA — A Helena family doesn’t have a home to call their own after a suspected drunk driver crashed into their property Friday night making their modular home unlivable.
This all happened just two weeks before Paige Schleining is due with her third daughter.
“We can always replace a home, but the memories, the hard work we've put into it, we can't replace that,” said Paige during a virtual interview Tuesday night. “So, it's definitely a grieving process.”
Paige and her husband Joshua had lived in their home for about five years.
They have two daughters, Ellee and Piper, who are six and four years old. They also have custody of Paige’s 17-year-old brother, Chase, who was home when the crash happened, finishing up homework.
Other family members were at a family member’s house for dinner when they got a call.
Someone had crashed into their porch with their truck, causing the house to shift. Contents inside the home shifted, the ceiling caved in, and new carpet and flooring are now ruined.
The damage from the crash means the Schleining’s can no longer live in the home. According to Paige, multiple contractors have said the home is totaled.
It’s devastating news for the young family, who said they paid off the home a few weeks ago. They had also finished home improvement work on three of the four bedrooms.
“I just finished the baby’s nursery last week,” said Paige.
They’re now relying on the support of family, friends and the community as they figure out where their growing family will live.
“Having a baby is overwhelming,” said Paige. “It's always an adjustment. But it's just going to be another beautiful thing in all of this craziness.”
Paige said they are grateful to be alive and thanked the community for their “overwhelming" support.
The Schleining’s are staying with Joshua’s parents while they figure out what’s next. In the meantime, a GoFundMehas raised more than $3,000 for the family.
According to Paige, they will use the money for a down payment to replace the home.
Montana Highway Patrol Trooper Alicia Bragg says a 62-year-old Helena man was arrested in connection to the crash. Bragg said his BAC was three times the legal limit.
MTN News is working to find out more information about the suspect and potential charges.