LEWISTOWN — A popular Christmas movie has been brought to life thanks to the Charlie Russell Chew Choo train in Lewistown, as it was transformed for the holiday season into the "North Pole Adventure Train" full of festive fun, similar to "The Polar Express."
Passengers enjoyed delicious hot chocolate while singing carols and listening to Christmas stories. As the train makes its way through the frosty Montana landscape and up to the “North Pole,"passengers get to meet up with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
Santa said that seeing the joy on faces of children is what makes his visit worth it.
“To see one kid smile, out of the whole train, if I have one jubilant kid that is absolutely thrilled to be here, then I’m absolutely thrilled to be here for them," he said.
Last year due to the pandemic, the Christmas ride was unable to make its trek, disappointing guests, as well as Santa and his helpers.
“I was really sad and bummed last year that we couldn’t get to do it because it is so much fun. Being able to interact with all the kids and even the adults,” said Melissa Biddison, an elf helper on the train.

The adventure train did not delay coming back out on the tracks, and everyone was excited to experience the trip again.
“Everything that goes around here, everybody loves it so much,” said Melissa.
Tickets for next year’s train ride will be available in October of 2022, and people are encouraged to purchase them as soon as possible because the train cars fill up fast.
“The train that I worked Friday, there wasn’t an empty seat. It’s insane how fast it sells out,” said Emily Morris, another elf helper.
Mrs. Claus encourages everyone to have the train in their thoughts as they plan for next years holiday activities: “It’s just a wonderful start to Christmas, and it makes our Christmas.”