Test results taken during the last week of Montana’s general hunting season showed nine more deer were found suspect of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks reports that two mule deer – a buck and a doe – and a white-tailed buck from CWD-positive areas south of Billings in Carbon County showed suspect for the disease.
Along the Hi-Line, three mule deer from CWD-positive areas in Blaine County and two mule bucks from the CWD-positive area in Valley County all returned as suspect for the disease as well.
A mule deer buck from Phillips County, outside a CWD-positive area, was also discovered to be suspect.
A total of 22 deer were found suspect of CWD in this year’s surveillance efforts with five from the CWD-positive area south of Billings and 17 from along the Hi-Line, according to a press release.
FWP reported that within the coming weeks, officials will look back at this year’s surveillance effort along the northern part of Montana and determine the next steps in addressing CWD, including any management actions.
CWD surveillance efforts will continue next year to include portions of the southeast corner of the state.
Click herefor more information about Chronic Wasting Disease in Montana.