NewsMissoula County


30th annual Family Fun Run for Missoula Snowgoers

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LOLO HOT SPRINGS – Groups of friends and families braved the cold and broke out their snowmobiles around Lolo Hot Springs on Sunday.

The Missoula Snowgoers Snowmobiling Club held its 30th annual fundraiser, called the Family Fun Run, at the Olsens bar.

About 80 snowmobile enthusiasts brought their rides over to explore the nearby mountains. People bought tickets and bid in raffles and a silent auction to support the club.

Lolo Hot Springs Snowmobile
The Missoula Snowgoers Snowmobiling Club held its 30th annual fundraiser at Lolo Hot Springs. (MTN News photo)

The Snowgoers are a nonprofit, volunteer organization that grooms and maps about 500 miles of trails in Lolo Pass and Garnet Ghost Town.

Fundraiser organizer Mike Mostad says everyone who participated in the run is helping keep mountain trails open for the public.

“It’s a lot of fun to have 100 snowmobilers all in one place, going and enjoying the mountains. It’s the one thing I live for every year, the snow.”

Last year the club donated a portion of the fundraiser to the Watson’s Children’s Shelter in Missoula.