HAMILTON – A pair of tax requests on marijuana were decided by voters in the Bitterroot voters on Tuesday.
The first imposes a 3% tax on the retail value of all recreational marijuana and recreational marijuana products sold in Ravalli County. The measure was passing Wednesday morning by a margin of 73%-to-27%.
The other tax request was about imposing a 3% tax on the retail value of medical marijuana and all medical marijuana products sold in Ravalli County. The numbers were closer, but those against the tax were in the majority, 52-to-48%.
Click here to view the latest (unofficial) voting results from the June 7, 2022, election.
Ravalli County commissioners opted to put the excise tax question on the ballot in March, expressing concerns that the legalization of marijuana sales had created a situation where all the tax revenue was going to the state.
Commissioners complained at the time that many of their constituents had probably only voted for legalization because they thought there would be local tax revenues.